Drawing from the spillover, social exchange, broad and build theories, the researchers examined the predictive role of gratitude and flourishing on organizational citizenship behaviour among nurses in Enugu State, Nigeria. Three hundred and fifty (350) nurses (15% male and 85% female) took part in the study. The nurses were conveniently chosen based on their availability and willingness to participate in the study. Three instruments were usedin the collection of data; which are: Gratitude scale, Flourishing Scale, and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Scale. Hierarchical multiple regression was used to analyze the data using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21. Result shows that gratitude did not predict organizational citizenship behaviour(OCB)(β = -.-04), while flourishing positively predicted OCB (β = -15, p< .01). This implies that the more flourishing nurses are, the more they engage in OCB. It also indicates that nurses who show appreciation to their fellow workers or supervisors do not engage in OCB probably because they see it as being indebted to the benefactor thereby not going extra mile beyond their stipulated duty in the organization.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Cecilia Okikechukwu Apex-Apeh, B. Onyishi Amuche, Vincent I.N. Ujoatuonu, Joy I. Ugwu, Victor O. Odo, Gabriel C. Kanu, Emmanuel C. Eze
ISSN (PRINT): 2682 - 6135
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